Distance. Distance is something I sometimes forget to take but that is so important and crucial in our lives. Taking distance makes us see and feel things from a different perspective, be more respectful towards what’s surrounding us and also adapt a much more zen and easy going attitude in any situation. Breath in, breath out, it’s all good. Distance is also these miles and miles of land that separate us from some of our far away friends or family. But thankfully, we have today our social media to feel like even if we’re so far away : we’re somehow also so close.
If my love for Instagram is quiet obvious for several reasons, I also appreciate the distance it allows me to take in retrospective to all the things that were lived throughout the days, the months, the year. Thanks to you, it also allows me to see certain things with a different point of view, take it less dramatically or maybe even pay more attention. I read all of your comments, and even if I don’t have the time to reply to the hundreds of them, I certainly take it all in and always appreciate so much your time and support. I can’t be more grateful to have such loyal, incredibly inspiring people amongst the Kayture community.
Sometimes, while I am in the city, some of you come by and we talk. About life, about dreams (we take selfies along the way), we laugh and we smile knowing that we kind of know each other even though we just met. We share bits of our lives together, and somehow are present for each other in a very special way. I think that it’s the most incredible thing in this world, as we bond on such deep values. I certainly can’t feel more blessed to have you all on board of this adventure we’re building up together. We are currently developing so many massive projects and I have butterflies in my stomach since the beginning of the year just thinking about all of this. And I know that some of you will be able to say that you were here from the very beginning, giving so much love and support no matter where we choose to go.
I think that’s what’s incredible about the Kaymmunity (yay new Kay word), is how uplifting and inspiring everybody is. We all strive and fight for our dreams, don’t take things for granted, love life and want to surround ourselves with beauty and put out only good vibes out there. I see so much positivity in the comment boxes, smart clever messages that just make me smile so much on a daily basis or sometimes bring me to ask myself questions and see things differently. Please know that you’re all part of our 1 big #kayteam. Thank you for taking the ride.
EXCITING NEWS!!! Kayture has been nominated for the best photography blog at the 2014 Bloglovin awards that are going to be held on the 7th of September in New York.
I am so proud of James and his incredible, mind blowing photography skills that only keep improving and growing day by day. His work makes Kayture part of what it is, it’s the spice, the goosebumps, the story that make me tear up when looking back at all these unforgettable moments… This nomination is an honor and already such a gift for all the hours of work. I told him, if we get the award, he’ll need to come up on stage, like a sir, big shy kid he is, and own it!
We’d be so proud and grateful to have your support on this. If you’d like, head to and get these voting going :)

Anna Irena
Kristina, you are so gorgeous and stylish. I know you have heard it million times :). I really think you're one of the most interesting bloggers out there because you're not a copy cat and you remain true to your style, which is so rare! Also, I admire your make-up skills! I wish I had some of these ;). However, without makeup you look just as wonderful. I also live in Geneva so maybe once I will bump into you :). Good luck with your career, blog and everything else! Bisous!
you take such beautiful pics! love your style !!
I like Kristina Bazan
She is very good and beautiful girl :)
You totally deserve the award! Pictures of yours are trully amazing! Very inspirational and high quality.
When I read this line "Sometimes, while I am in the city, some of you come by and we talk. About life, about dreams (we take selfies along the way), we laugh and we smile knowing that we kind of know each other even though we just met(...)" I immediately thought -and now I say it LOL-: I'm not from Europe but when there's a chance I can travel to Switzerland (or anyplace where you may be) is there a chance we meet? It would be awesome!! Two girls crazy about travel, fashion, lifestyle haha
Greetings, girl!
Hi Kristina,
I think you made us all smile very widely when you said that you read all of our comments. Even though, you're famous and everything, you're humble and that's one of your best qualities. I think that is the reason why you keep all of us checking our instagram every minute in case you uploaded a new pic and why we are so excited when a new post has come out.
I would fly wherever you are just to talk with you for a couple minutes, it would mean the world to me.
With love from Spain,
Just voted. You guys are pure inspiration and deserve all the best. I have been following since the beginning. Keep rocking! Wish you all the best!!
how I want to meet u in person....stay chic & elegant ;)
http://fairyonme.blogpsot.comKristina Bazan
Love you guys. Really, thank you so much for your continuous support.
I does mean the world to me. Thank you for inspiring me, for pushing me go on, to dream bigger and to work harder. Our dreams, our passions shape who we are. I hope that we keep inspiring you as well to follow your heart and never give up on something that truly means to you.
love your instagram photos! you really are inspiring !
Félicitations pour votre nomination! Je viens tout juste de voter pour vous. J'espère sincèrement que James montera sur l'estrade pour recevoir son prix. Il/ vous le mérite/z. Continuez de vivre à 100% pour votre passion. C'est ce que je fais depuis maintenant 3 ans et je me félicite tous les jours d'y avoir cru et d'y croire. Camille from South of France / San Francisco - California.
Dagmar Barnetova
Amazing life ... enjoy it :-)
Dear Kristina,
I'm following your blog 4 years. I admire you so much because we are both 21 years old and what I can understand is that we make our decisions and our decisions make us. Your decision were to create a new fresh blog about fashion and then,I believe, that you couldn't ever imagine how it will be in future!
My opinion is, that your blog is what exactly you are! Through the posts we can understand how you may feel! I can understand what distance may cause to your friendships .. There are so many people out there that they are becoming jeallous and more jeallous when they see you smiling and succeed new goals. Don't be afraid, you have so many girls that like and follow your job ( I'm one of them) You created your #kayworld . I follow you because I can see my excitement in your eyes!
I created my own greek blog for two reasons. The first one is because I love the fashion and I love to keep a personal style and the second one is because I'm not perfect! I don't look like a model.. I'm 1.45 m & 48 kilos. I don't care if they pulling my leg .. I am what I am... And there are so many girls out there who they do not have self confident.. That's exactly my vision !To help girls, admire themselves.
I feel that there are so many blogs that I can not find a way to succeed it! I know that you don't have the time to apply to my message but believe me you are going help me so so so so much. I want you to tell me what to do to make my blog unique like yours. I do not know how can I have so many followers, how girls can learn about my blog... Help Despinlicious be a greek vision for greek girls!
Thank you for your time. Hope to get your message someday, and of course the chance to meet you!
Wish you ALL THE BEST because you are one of the best! You may feel that you don't have friends, but believe you have sooooo many that you don't know them at all !
Dear James,
Your job is excellent! You are helping your girlfriend and that is lovable! Keep doing it! You deserve a hugeeee "Bravo!" for your inspiring photos!
Wish you have a great day ! Kristina, just thing that your programme may be sometimes exhausted, but you have a dreamy life! you, keep going!
Um, seriously. Why am I NOT surprised?! You guys rock! I love seeing the goofy side of you and hope to see that more! Voting now! XO
http://withfaithandhappiness.comPaula Fleur
Your pics are amazing, really the quality is so high! So many times I just looked at your pics from many places in the world...just speechless and "wow" Point by Paula Fleur
Amazing photos!!!
Andres Poiche
Perfect pictures!!
heartbeat blog
http://www.hardheartbeating.blogspot.comMina Masotina
I really love these pictures as well as I adore every photos on your blog. I'm so happy for you guys for the nomination, James is really talented and I think your photos are the best on the blogosphere... So I'm voting for you guys :)
Mina ♥ My fashion blog: The Style Fever
I really-really hope you win guys :)
Follow me on bloglovin
Your blog is the best! I follow you everywhere ;) I voted for you and you really have to win!
Congratulations, Kristina and the kayteam!
You deserve the recognition. Love your Instagram account too.
Wow, I saw the choices for best photography blog, and I have to say, the competition is tough; however, I love James' photography and your blog in general so much, I just had to give it to you guys! ^^ Good Luck!ő
Love these photos and your opinion on this subject!
C'est fait, j'ai voté pour Kayture en tant que Best Photography Blog et Blogger of the year! J'aime beaucoup ton blog, particulièrement pour l'effort que tu fait à écrire du texte et pas à seulement poster de (très jolies) photos. serait top que celui-ci soit traduit en Français, en Russe, et en Allemand, qui sont, il me semble, les langues que tu parles, mais j'imagine que ce serait un travail monstre! Peut-être pour la prochaine version de Kayture?
Je croise les doigts pour la victoire de la Kayteam!
You speak so much truth & this is one of the many reasons I love your blog, your instagram & your passion! I have voted for Kayture, really hope you win!
Kirsten x
you are so genuine and beautiful!!
http://intelligently-fashionable.blogspot.comLigal Shturman
Kristina, you are amazing! I love to read your posts, admire your attitude and opinions. Some of them are so
http://flairytale.blogspot.comSimilar to mine that I sometimes feel as I reading my own diary.
You are so inspiring, interesting, beautiful inside and outside. One of the people that
Actually makes this world a better place.
Thank you.
Bonjour! allez j'écris en français cette fois, ça me vient plus naturellement pour te dire que j'apprécie beaucoup cette forme de reconnaissance que tu as envers ton lectorat. A mon avis, c'est très important de se souvenir pour un/e bloggeur/euse à qui il doit une grande part de son succès... rien à voir, mais je me souviens d'une lectrice qui t'avait demandé en commentaire de mettre des liens vers des habits ressemblant aux tiens mais en plus abordables, et très peu de temps après, tu l'a fait. J'ai trouvé ça vraiment chouette de ta part, tu avais peut être prévu de le faire de toute façon, mais en tout cas, ça répondait à une demande...
http://roxierocks.over-blog.comj'en profite aussi pour te dire à quel point j'aime l'évolution de ton style, c'est un avis personnel, ça n'engage que moi, mais j'aime beaucoup tes tenues les plus casual, très inspirantes au quotidien, je regarde parfois d'ancien post et c'est étonnant l'évolution qu'il y a eu en quelques années... moins de couleurs, mais plus de subtilités dans les matières, les motifs... l'ensemble s'affine vraiment.
Belle journée!
OMG I LOVE YOU <3 trop chou d'avoir mit la photo de nous!!!! I've voted and I know you'll win because not only are you one of my best friends but youre the most talented girl I know :) So proud!!!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
http://www.oliviabossert.comlaura mitbrodt
I love all of these photos!!
I love how Instagram is a compilation of memories and adventures! It's so lovely seeing all the photos of your adventures!
http://www.modernisticphoenix.blogspot.comDiane ||
Love all of your photos, every one of them is magazine-worthy. Good luck!
what a beautiful and cheerful pictures. I can look at them forever! Awesome!
María Paula Moreno
Just one sentence to say: your blog just blpw my mind away. It's magical. Sometimes whem i felt overwhelmed i always check out you blog and it makes me feel just happy. Thank you Kristina for makes us ypur followers feel life is just pretty
your photos are definitely the most perfect.they're even better than some editorials in fashion magazines,really.
i already voted for you and also nominated you as blog of the year :) crossing fingers :) Read
I'm so happy for you both! You absolutely deserve it, my twin & I have been following your blog for years now and you are the one who inspired and encouraged us to pursue our blogging journey. It's amazing how much it has evolved, not only your style but James' photography skills and your writing too, & following you on these adventures is so inspiring! It's true what you say, following your blog and reading every article, we do feel like we know you in a way? I just hope we could meet you one day too! your instagram btw!)
Great post, awesome photos!
You, guys, absolutely deserve this Award. The photography skills are insanely precise and live. Thank you Kayteam!
Your life looks amazing, you are so blessed.
Nina from little nomad
Thank you so much for making my day with your lovely posts and inspiring me to take better care of my self and travel! :D
I voted for you!
x Mona
very nice travel pics !ë
you take such beautiful pics! love your instagram!
Maëva, xxx
Congratulations Kristina and James! Kayture should have been nominated for best style blog as well.
Great picture,your IG is so so cool!
Frenchies Under The Sun
Love your insta, love your photos (thanks James) and one vote to you !!
Congrats, xoxo
Love your instagram! So many nice pictures!
Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Tumblr
Anaïa Louise
It's amazing how far you have come, to being such a successful fashion squad !! I read every single post you publish and gosh, I couldn't be happier to see how you've evolved Kristina. I remember when you started off in the LookBook community, like any other girl who dreamed of fashion and style, and now look at what you have become. So proud of you and your little team <3 Love from France Fashion Panda
Your pics are amazing every single time ! Love your instagram account and you really deserve the award ! Big congrats and good luck !
Hey Kristina! Your ig-account is a must-follow, I think. And these gorgeous photos just proved it.
I've seen many Chanel bags but that reddish Chanel of yours is among the most beautiful ones. I simply love it!
Hugs from Helsinki!
I love the selection! Dalen
Hi, Kristina!!
I just wanted to tell you I really love both your blog and instagram. I discovered it a couple of months ago, and I have read it every day since. Your pictures, your style, your way of living and your breathtaking beauty just inspire me so much!! I really enjoy every single article on your blog, and every single post on instagram, and because of this I am dying to know where you edit your instagram pictures! Is it an app? Or do you edit all your instagram photos on your laptop? I would be so glad if you answered.
Once again, I just LOVE Kayture! Keep all the good work going <3
//Agnes Dalen
I love your instagram feed
lovely photos!!
http://www.theneonfactor.comxoxo, Diana
Elizabeth Hawn
love these photos! hopefully you win
i hope you will win this one! your blog deservs it :)
Of course I voted for you!!!! xx
Karina Cretu
Congrats! I am sure that you will win.This photos demonstrates why you were nominated. Keep with the good work.
Kristina you are such an inspiring person. I always liked your blog but now it turns out to be the most interesting one. With the most incredible pictures and the most personal texts to your followers. Go ahead like this. I voted for you also as "Blogger of the year". You deserve it the most. Lots of love. Hope to meeting you once !
You have a beautiful insta accoung! I really love instagram because it keeps all my memories in one place :)
Très bel article ! Félicitations à vous deux, vous le méritez, ce blog est une source d'inspiration, de beauté et de joie.
Je suis sûre que la suite de vos projets sera aussi géniale !
Félicitations pour votre nomination à James et à toi, vous le méritez!
http://lapenderiedelaura.comCamille Philie
These are all beautiful pictures! Tu as tellement un métier de rêve... je suis vraiment jalouse hihih
Congratulations on the nomination!!!! You deserve it and I hope you win! :)
Vote: check! ✅ Love your blog and it's personal touch! Haven't missed an article since I started following Kayture. Congrats on the nomination!
very nice pictures! love these so much!
Street style
cool pics kristina
Congrats for your nomination for the Bloglovin Awards!! You deserve it!! You and James are the perfect team! Molkentin
These are all such beautiful photos- it is more than incredible to be able to follow your exciting life via social network! Your blog is full of beautiful photos, and you more than deserve this nomination. Have a lovely day x
Beautiful inspiring photography. Rooting for you to win!
You are such a Queen... and you are so young it's almost unbelievable how strong you are for a woman of your age. Congratulation for James, he totally deserve it, his pictures are breathtaking.
He makes you even more beautiful than you are already. (is it possible ?)
Congratulation for all the Kayteam, keep going ! <3
Cross fingers ! I hope you will win this category because seriously, yours (James´s) photos are simply amazing !
I am admire them every day through your blog and instagram. Such inspiring and beautiful.
Literally obsessed with your Instagram feed! You guys do take the best pics! x
This post is so sweet. I love your writing, it's always so honest! Thank you for being an inspiration! And congratulations on the nomination, you really deserve it. You have my vote!
Beautiful photos! I'm so happy for you! :)
really absolutely amazing pics! Couldn't stop watching!
I cannot agree with your words more. This post that mentions zen, positivity, inspiration, sharing and more is close to me, as well as to many others, too (but on a uniquely personal level, of course) :)
And congratulations on the nomination! You and James totally deserve it. He is a definite pro in photography. And I already voted for you guys yesterday , that being my only certain vote. Hope you win the award!
I also just wanted to let you know that I appreciate the work you, Kristina, and the Kayteam do. You put blogging and fashion on another level. Can't wait to see what future brings to you.
My best wishes!
Hi Kristina,
It's the first time I comment on your blog even though I've been following you for quite some time now, but if you say you read all the comments... ;)
I am genuinely so happy for you and James, you make hell of a team! I don't follow many boggers as they tend to be a bit arrogant sometimes but you are always so grateful and true that it's impossible not to be excited for you when you receive good news.
Thanks for making Kayture a daily geeky pleasure! And thank you James for filling our day with such beautiful and inspiring images.
Congratulations and I wish all the best.
Haha, j'étais bien évidemment obligé de voter pour Kayture ! Vous méritez la nomination, et j'en suis d'avantage persuadé après vous avoir rencontré à Genève, vous êtes vraiment Top :) Kayture est un petit coin de positivité qui permet de s'évader pour l'histoire d'un instant ! Excellente continuation :)
Traveling Cats
Soooo loving those Instagoodies. You should post them more often.
http://travelling-cats.blogspot.comCongratulations on your Bloglovin nomination. I'm off to vote for you right now. Good luck!
Beautiful looks.
love all ur pícs. but i dont know why i can not access to the Bloglovin page to vote for you and James
Hei Kristina <3
I'm absolutely so proud of you! You are my motivation and inspiration to lead a better life. I've learned so much from you and I'm so thankful for of that.
The first time I saw you was on the 'MISS SCHWEIZ'-show a while ago. Without knowing your name (and I'm seriously not joking!) I wanted you to win! You had such a unique beauty and you definitely did stand out from the others!
I live in switzerland in between Zug and Lucerne. It may sound weird but I'm kind of proud that you're swiss. For a long time now I'm reading blogs of people all over the world and I was so excited that my favorite blogger is swiss!
I'm incredibly proud of you and to see you nominated next to all of those really amazing blogs is just breathtaking!
(not that I never thought you could make it!!)
love, elise xxx
Instagram: @lisjee
Laura Nanette
I love the way you give some insights via Instagram, it really does feel like we always know what you're up to - even though it's probably only the highlights of the day. :)
Do you take the pictures with a camera first and then put them on IG after all the editing?
Your blog is an inspiration on a daily basis - thank you!
you´re so damn beautiful! and this might sound awkward but your teeth are perfect! :D and congrats for james and your for award! pretty cool. Love ya x
It's been amazing to see you transform into such a strong and confident woman Kristina! Thank you for sharing and taking us on the ride with you! x
http://www.radrienne.comSkiing Girl
Just voted for Kayture, yaeh! :) I really hope you will win because you would truly deserve it.
I've been a reader not since the very beginning but for years now and it's so amazing how Kayture has developed. I know that lots of people must say that James and you are a huge inspiration to them and it's true. Not only fashionwise but also what comes to hard work and living your dreams instead of only dreaming them. At the moment I'm really struggling with my future not really knowing where to go and what to do after my studies and you guys always remind me that everything is possible. Thanks for that and keep going!
xo skiing girl
love these picturesss
Great post and hope Kayture is going to win the award for the best photography blog, cause you guys really deserved it! Voted for you! <3
http://vogueetvoyage.comMadeline Fedmont
I love your instagram. Keep posting beautiful photos
Love this post !!!!
You really deserve that award because your pictures are by far the best among all fashion blogs!
best wishes
Loyce B. Witherspoon
A big big congratulations!! I meet you somehow years ago in Geneva and more recently at La Reserve and it's amazing to see how much kayture has grown overtime! You and James have done an incredible job :)
You look so fabulous!
xx Nicola
I love all photos ! ♥
Visit my blog YOKO NGUYEN BLOG
Your Instagram, just like your blog are huge source of inspiration!
Keep them going girl! ;)
Hey Kay,
I'm 15 and a MASSIVE fan of you and James photography. I am inspired to be like you, you're my idol. Plus LOVE the clothes!!!!!!! You live my dream life, being a blogger, wearing all those stunning clothes and shoes, traveling to so many places, experiencing different cultures it's all just a dream to me. I would love to ask your questions on how you have got to where you are and any tips you could give me and style tips as your fashion sense is amazing.I would really love to meet you, that would be another dream. So I hope you read this and think about meeting up with me. I live in London, England so maybe we could meet in London and get some macarons as I love them too. Love from Loy xxxx Instagram account is @loym if u wanna check me out :) x
Your Instagram posts are always wow and amazing, and you've become my goal of how I exactly wanna be as a fashion blogger. I am originally from Japan and have been very struggling to be a successful foreigner fashion blogger in the U.S. Yet, whenever I see your blog, it gives me courage and lots of inspiration. And it always keeps me going no matter what. So thank you very much for that.
http://www.aikaslovecloset.blogspot.comI am very small and petite (My hight is 5"), but all your looks are very inspirational and never let me down. I love waking up to the Facebook notifications of your posts and view your amazing pictures and blog posts. That's my daily routine now. I've been admiring James' so-amazing stunning photos and his creation of magic through the images, so there is no surprise to me that KAYTURE has been nominated for the best photography blog, and I am so so so happy for both you for this amazing award! I just voted to you of course, and will be sending lots of prayers that you and James could win the award! I love you both and keep inspiring us! <3 <3 <3 xoxo AikA❤️
You're so lovely !:)
I voted for you yesterday ! You deserve this soooooooo much ! I'm crossing my fingers for you now ! <3
Love from France, Victoria
what a lovely instagram gallery, and such an inspiration for me and many others, I am sure! Kaymmunity is such an endearing new word! :)
You are a great person and I like the pics of your blog, amazing James and congrats!!! look on my blog!
I'm so proud of you guys, I follow your blog since the beginning and you truly deserve every bit of success you have. You are such an inspiration and remind me of how important dreams are on a daily basis. xx
All photos are so beautiful and perfect!
Lovely post! What camera do you use?
Hi there! I just started following you in Instagram, and I must say; omg!! I love your gallery and your style. And let's not forget your amazing smile and the energy it has! Can I ask you what kind of editing you use on your snapshots on Instagram? They are so clear and colorful! Have a great Saturday!
xx a new fan!