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My current read

Pictures by James Chardon

LE PAPILLON A SES RAISONS QUE LA RAISON IGNORESince the begining of this blog, I took the time each and everyday, whether it was on my social media or here, to share with you all some bits of my life. To share with you my thoughts, my inspirations, my aspirations. I shared with you my story and will keep on doing it for a while hopefully. I admire so much people who are brave enough to free themselves from everything and be completely transparent not only with themselves but also with people around them. People who have nothing to hide and instead of that put all their energy and dedication to share their struggles, pains, secrets as much as their success and joy with the world. Because our experiences, our mistakes and our achievements have nothing to be embarassed of. All of this can potentially inspire somebody to go further and hope bigger. This, to me, is the real symbol of generosity. A couple of weeks ago I met a very striking young woman who took my breath away with her incredible way of seing life and seing the world. From the heights of her very young age, she manages to help people around her not only through charity but also thanks to her tremendous generosity and loving heart. I was so impressed by her energy and felt like I knew her for years while we just met. Then she explained to me how she founded a publishing house to support young authors and published a book herself to talk about her pains, her family and how they inspired her, her dreams and fears, her love. 

I wanted to read the book right away, first of all because I wanted to know and understand what standed behind this mysterious character but also because she seemed like she had lived so much, seen so many things and met so many people. I was intrigued. I received the book a couple of days ago and I read it in just a couple of hours which usually never happens to me. Maybe was it because I knew the author, or maybe was it because the story was so simple, so real and authentic that I completely understood what she said and could relate with every word that she had written. She speaks whith such honesty about weight issues, her big dreams about New York, her grand father who lived a tragic world war. And she writes without any pretention or will to sound too serious or profound. Once I finished the book, I checked out her facebook to find out only that some celebrities like Alain Delon have read it as well and follow her work. Okay, I am hooked. The reason why I am today speaking to you about her work today is because I believe this girl, Rosalyn Gaon, is a real inspiration to all of us to go on and share our stories. To not be afraid to open ourselves to people and be generous to one another. Whether it is with acts, or with words. I don’t know many young woman back here in Geneva who published their work at such a young age and I totally support her and hope that you guys will too! Check out her website for more information by clicking here, hopefully you’ll enjoy her story as much as I did. 

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